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Gay Peoples Chronicle
April 1, 1985
AIDS Test Labels Bisexual/Feminists Define Group's Goals
The National Gay Task Force and Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund have received assurances from the Food and Drug Administration that the HTLVIII/LAV antibody blood test will be labeled with language intended to minimize civil rights abuses. The unprecedented government required labeling will read: "It is inappropriate
} to use this test as a
screen for AIDS or as a screen for members of groups at increased risk for AIDS in the general population." The labeling will also emphasize that the test is not a diagnostic tool for AIDS.
Commenting on the FDA action, NGTF Executive Director Virginia Apuzzo said, "The labeling agreement is a step forward in our efforts to ensure that the civil rights of the gay and lesbian community are protected and that the antibody test is as safe and effective as possible. NGTF will monitor the 'phasingin' process to make certain the government's promises are kept. Much work remains to be done in the areas of confidentiality and education; in addition, we will be looking closely at the evaluation of scientific data. But clearly, we have made some headway in educating the Public Health Service about placing civil rights concerns and medical safety above political expediency."
The assurances were given at a Feb. 28 meeting with FDA Commissioner Frank Young, attended by NGTF Washington Representative Jeff Levi. On March 2, Health and Human Services Secretary Margaret Heckler announced that Abbott Laboratories was being licensed to manufacture and distribute the test, which is designed to find antibodies to HTLVIII/LAV, the virus believed to be associated with AIDS. On March 8 a second license was given to ElectroNucleonics Inc. to market a slightly different test.
The test has drawn criticism from the medical community as well as gay and lesbian organizations because of its questionable accuracy.
By Dora Forbes
The March 14 meeting of the bisexual/feminist group (as yet unnamed) drew 10 people. Several potential members were unable to at-
certain of her direction; and a man who is consciously cultivating his attraction to other men as part of a larger project of breaking down the differences in his reactions toward men and women."
Recognizing that gay peoplesbian involvement and unle have some legitimate fears about bisexuals, especially in the context of personal relationships, the members want to work toward greater mutual understanding and tolerance. They also believe that gay and bisexual people have very similar political interests.
Those present defined the organization's goals as providing a setting for mutual support, discussion, and self-definition; offering a forum for political Andy Hoerner, one of the outreach into both gay and organizers of the new group, nongay communities; and pernoted that he felt a bit haps sparking some social uncomfortable talking about and cultural events as well. gays and bisexuals as disAlthough studies by Kinsey tinct groups. He believes and others suggest that sexthe two shade off into one ual orientation is a continanother. uum, rather than two polar choices, with more people at least somewhat bisexual than those who are exclusively gay, bisexuals have lacked the public visibility, political presence, and cultural development of gay people.
Those attending the initial meeting discussed their relationship with the gay community at some length. Several felt doubly closeted: fearing to reveal their same-sex attractions to nongay friends, while reluctant to let gay friends know they are also attracted to the opposite sex.
He said, "For many, bisexuality is only a transitional stage. The diversity of bisexuals makes us hard to characterize, even in a group as small as this. For example, our members include a woman who had been straight as a young adult, then exclusively gay for nearly a decade, and for the past several years has been moving toward an equilibrium somewhere in between; a man with a sexually and emotionally happy marriage who still finds himself attracted to other men; a woman in the throes of her first
Individual philosophies within the group are equally varied. Some enjoy the increased richness that comes from having very different relationships with men and women. Others stressed the similarities between men and women, finding certain characteristics attractive regardless of gender.
Since the group explicitly defines itself as constituting feminist bisexuals, it spent much of the organizational meeting discussing the relationship between feminism and bisexuality. To ensure a continued feminist focus in the group, they decided that its women members would collectively control admission to membership.
The group will have at least two meetings in April. Those interested may call Andy or Laura at 321-6261.
CWRU Coalition Calls for Minority Affairs Office
Minority group leaders from Case Western Reserve University met recently to discuss the need for an office of minority affairs at the University. Representatives from the Lesbian/Gay Student Union, Afro-American Studies, The Women's Center, and the Asian Alliance are coordinating the move to let the University know that minorities on campus are unhappy with the university's perceived insensitivity to minority concerns.
The group contends that a large number of minority students transfer from CWRU each year because they feel unwelcome and abandoned by an uninterested administration.
For example, last semester the Women's Center office space was requisitioned by the school after ten years of occupancy.
A series of scathing articles about CWRU in the Plain Dealer was only partially responsible for the minority coalition meeting. The group noted that recently certain anonymous students had widely distributed a newsletter on campus, part of which read, "If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a foreigner. . . five foot high, smelly, slanty eyed, homosexual, yellow skinned. . ."
According to the coalition, these attitudes are not restricted only to a few insecure students. One representative noted, "Our library study carrels and classroom desks are covered with
comments attacking virtually every minority group at CWRU. Minorities cannot help but feel the tension and repressed hostility present on this campus.
The representatives explained that a minorities affairs office would help promote a university with an environment of understanding, not mistrust and bigotry.
The coalition members, Douglas Chen, Katherine Clark, Marvin McGowan, and Rob Daroff, represented a wide range of minority conAs one member described them, "Gay men, lesbians, feminists, blacks, and Asians, all allied with a common goal: it sounds almost too good to be true. As a coalition, with huge numbers behind us, maybe we can finally get something real accomplished. Now we are the majority!"